Naselesele Village -- already up and ready at sunrise for the big day (Saturday, April 16) -- the Lavena Games, for which the students from Naselesele, Lavena, Bouma and Qelene villages have been training hard at their skills in rugby and netball.

This busload had a great time singing gospel songs (loudly and cheerfully), making the hour-ride to Lavena very enjoyable indeed!

i took this sunrise photo-op to illustrate how the Light divides -- one either chooses to walk the path of shadows or the Way of the Light...

Scenic views from my window seat were in abundance... plastering a contented grin on my face, from ear to ear -- my heart singing praises to GOD for His creation...

A goatkeeper from Dala, with her "pets" in tow...

A beautiful place for the bus to break down! GOD's blessings throughout all mishaps are evident here...

Lavena at last -- with the whole busload of us safe and sound, with GOD's blessings and a little Fijian ingenuity (a young boy mechanic held a string tied to the accelerator all the way to our destination)...

All the kids VERY excited...

Akosita and Kata, giving the Naselesele kids their
gunu ti (breakfast of bread with butter and jam and tea)...

Filo, with her team mates... ready for netball!

Seleima, Rosi, Pa -- major players for the Naselesele Blues girls' netball team... with their bibs
a la rLn! (i painted each bib for one
bu -- young green coconut.)

Miriama and Talei...

The 'selesele Blues -- on parade...

Opening ceremonies... in the already hot sun...

The Distric Officer in his "cool" outfit -- a la shades... being honored with a

Filo -- head mistress at Bouma Village Primary School... with her colorful salusalu.

i was SO glad to document this -- the schools in Fiji are still permitted to show their CHRISTian roots... on their buildings, in the songs taught in the classrooms, in their prayers before meals... even after their games.

The Naselesele Village cheering team... very enthusiastic and VERY loud!

Net ball... Naselesele against Bouma.

Rugby... Class 3 or 4... Naselesele against Bouma.

Fighting over the ball...

Praying after a game well-played...

i took a little break from the all-day tournament --
katakata na siga saraga! To get away from the heat, i strolled over to the beach with little Jo...

Little Jo!

Postcard picture perfect... Lavena Beach.

World famous Lavena Walk... a hike worth sweating for!

We caught Dip taking his siesta/snooze/cegu...

Exploring the rocks for crabs?

Ana Maria -- enjoying our girl talk...

Gorgeous in GOD's sight...

Onisimo... made many goals -- makin' his mama Elenoa very proud indeedy!

Netball winners from Qeleni -- B team... very happy!

Mistress Filo giving a "best" award to Lavena Netball -- class A team...

Awards presentation -- closing ceremonies... all tired, but happy participants...
Scenic playground (the rugby field set in the usual location -- in the middle of the village) -- beautiFUL skies... Team sports -- island style!
We began this GODventureZ at sunrise and ended with the bus ride back to our perspective villages at sunset. The children sang loudly and boisterously, though tired. The bus did not break down this time -- though i still held my breath as the bus struggled up the incline, then coasted down with more speed on its way down.
Thank You, LORD, for this wonderFUL GODventureZ!
P.S. i am again raising funds for the Naselesele Village school children in Taveuni, Fiji. Your charitable donation of any amount is deeply and heartfully appreciated! GOD bless your loving heart!
It is soooo beautiful.