Sunday, September 9, 2012

A Slice Of LIFE At BUCALEVU Secondary School

BucaLevu Secondary School -- GOD rules here and EVERYwhere\o/
Home Economics class -- cooking with joyful hearts!
Ruth, Chaplain Paulini, Shayaal -- SUIS
CHRISTian Fellowship
Harmony in song and school community...
Dancing up a storm...
Enjoying the entertainment -- BucaLevu's Mini-Carnival and Anti-Drug Abuse Week
SUIS CHRISTian Fellowship blackboard -- song of the day...
Maia Villanueva Jones -- my gift from the LORD!
Anti-Drug Day -- SUIS CHRISTian Fellowship's decor...including rLn's banners.
rLn's contribution to BucaLevu's carnival week...
Last-minute paint job..."Think smart -- Don't even start! Say NO!"
Hanna's very original anti-substance abuse costume...
IN CHRIST -- you CAN say and do NO!
Chaplain Paulini and chief guest speaker Geoffrey...
Faresiko with queen...
All beautiful!
Dancing the island way...
Dancing up a MEKE!
Final day...all the beauties in their fineries.
Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD! (Psalm 127:3, ESV) All the young men and young women at BucaLevu Secondary School are gifts from the LORD Almighty -- the future heritage of Fiji.

Please donate. ALL your donations will benefit the Naselesele Village school children in Taveuni, Fiji. Vinaka vaka LEVU!