Life is an adventure indeed! Whether long-lived or short-lived...it's a GODventureZ!
As for me, i don't need to travel to far-flung places anymore to experience adventure. The inner journey is far more exciting and surprising, where every moment may bring me to a new undiscovered territory from within. i have been a seeker for many years -- at first seeking exotic places to wander through or spiritual encounters to shore up the shallows of my soul. Today i seek only JESUS.
And today, i can choose to see each new day that GOD brings forth as a blessed 24-hour GODventureZ with His SPIRIT, where He leads and i follow; or i can choose to see this same day as the same old thing -- same old round-about on the treadmill of life. When i decide to see the day ahead from GOD's view point -- i am given expectant buoyancy -- ever ready to receive whatever He is wanting to show me about Himself through the circumstances and providence He allows, through the persons with which He populates my hours, through the Word His SPIRIT causes me to understand, through His palpable Presence throughout the day.
Death is but a blink away, according to GOD's will. i don't know when that last breath will be -- and i'm quite sure GOD will not clue me in...otherwise i might hold on too tight to that breath and turn blue in the process! My old flesh nature might try to fool me into thinking that the things of the world are worth hanging on to. But i know better! NO thing, NO person, NO circumstance on earth can ever compare with what awaits in Heaven!
Question: Those who've gone before me, as those pictured above -- where are they now? What is their REALITY? Where is the location of their eternal real estate?
"O Death, where is your sting? O Hades, where is your victory? ...thanks be to GOD, who gives us the victory through our LORD JESUS CHRIST." (I Corinthians 15:55, 57)
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