San Diego's Balboa Park -- Reflecting Pool and Botanical Garden... a must-see for those who visit the Park, for there's always something new to see within its birdcage-like walls. These are the things that brought me
joy that afternoon -- simple, beautiful things of GOD's creation.

C. S. Lewis said of
joy -- "Joy is never in our power and pleasure often is."

W. A. "Billy" Sunday said of
joy --
"If you have no joy, there's a leak in your CHRISTianity somewhere."

Thomas Aquinas said of
joy --
"Man cannot live without joy; therefore when he is deprived of true spiritual joys, it is necessary that he become addicted to carnal pleasures."

Amy Carmichael said of
joy --
Joys are always on the way to us. They are always traveling to us through the darkness of the night. There is never a night when they are not coming."

Samuel Dickey Gordon said of
joy --
"Joy is distinctly a CHRISTian word and a CHRISTian thing. It is the reverse of happiness. Happiness is the result of what happens of an agreeable sort. Joy has its springs deep down inside. And that spring never runs dry, no matter what happens. Only JESUS gives that joy. He had joy, singing its music within, even under the shadow of the cross. It is an unknown word and thing except as He has sway within."

Thomas `a Kempis said of
joy --
"If there is joy in the world, surely the man of pure heart possesses it."

R. A. Torrey said of
joy --
"There is more joy in JESUS in 24 hours than there is in the world in 365 days. I have tried them both."

Charles Stanley said of
joy --
"Joy is a gift from GOD that enables believers to find hope and peace -- even when life seemingly falls apart." (The above list of authors' words on
joy is from
In Touch Magazine, January 2010 issue.)

The Psalmist said of
joy --
"I will be filled with joy because of You. I will sing praises to Your name, O Most High." (Psalm 9:2)

Isaiah says of
joy --
"With joy you will drink deeply from the fountain of salvation!" (Isaiah 12:3)

Jeremiah says of
joy --
"Your words are what sustain me. They bring me great joy and are my heart's delight, for i bear Your name, O LORD GOD Almighty." (Jeremiah 15:16)

Simeon, the prophet of old, says of
joy --
"This Child will be rejected by many in Israel, and it will be their undoing. But He will be the greatest joy to many others." (Luke 2:34)

JESUS said of
joy --
"There is joy in the presence of GOD's angels when even one sinner repents." (Luke 15:10)
J ESUS...O thers...y ourself.
P.S. i am again raising funds for the Naselesele Village school children in Taveuni, Fiji. Your charitable donation of any amount is deeply and heartfully appreciated! GOD bless your loving heart!
Well, if I am there, I am sure I will be in pure joy....
ReplyDeleteRin, you have been going places, and 4 blogs at once - Truly energised !
i've got this new digital Nikon CoolPix that's so much fun to use -- such ease and speed in seeing the finished product! i'm definitely NOT going back to film!