Sunday, September 13, 2009

Selau, Bob and Pete from NASELESELE

In GOD's economy, everything is under His control...there are no accidents. Every thing, to the minutest detail, is in His hands. Just look at the majestic skies, the myriad stars and planets that could be seen with mere 20/20 vision. And how about the countless galaxies the Hubbell has shown us thus far? The GOD who created all that also keeps all that in perfect balance. He is the Sustainer of this awesome, amazing world we live in. He is indeed in control!

All of us balk like stubborn mules at this truth. For at heart, all of us are control freaks to some degree -- whether more or less depends on each individual's level of surrender to his Maker. The only control i have is whether i choose to cooperate with GOD's purpose(s)...what He wants to accomplish through me. i can choose to join Him in what He desires to do through me, trusting that His will is best, for He is a good and loving Father with infinite wisdom.

Or i can choose to ignore His invitation and miss out on countless blessings -- of greater intimacy with Him, of experiencing His almighty presence at work through me, of a new GODventure with my Constant Companion...JESUS.

What does all this have to do with the above photo? That with GOD in control, seeming coincidences are not accidental. This incident was a GOD-thing (a Beth Moore saying).

To me, GOD's hand is allways at work in my life. He is the Master Engineer. Through GOD's Providence, i received a computer to do this blog, i got re-connected with my friend Ronna, who owns the Coconut Grove in Taveuni, who hosted these three adventurous missionaries, who were treated to Fijian meke (dance), whose photos appeared in their blog, Steve's, Joe's and David's Travels, which i linked to via Ronna's blog, My Fiji Resort. And these kids are those same kids from Naselesele Village, where i volunteered at their village school, "teaching" kickboxing and yoga, aerobics, and art (making bookmarks made of voivoi to sell to tourists).
GOD's signature is written all over this one...i just have to wait expectantly for Him to show me when, where and how He wants to accomplish His purpose(s) through me in regards to these kids. GOD has connected us all for His perfect plan.

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