The only kavalagi is Mz Ronna. She no longer wears the naivete of a tourist for she is one of the transplanted local foreigners living the island dream. The lady standing on the left is my friend, Kata, from Naselesele Village. And that doberman is Sophie -- and my lips are sealed about this dog!

Familiar faces, with sincere smiles. Fijians are some of the friendliest people in the whole world! They will literally give you the shirt off their back. But they also expect you to do the same -- so make sure you wear two! Nevertheless, they are big-hearted people with "simple," uncomplicated lives (compared to our very fast-paced Western lifestyles).
Ronna's Coconut Grove in Matei has wonderful views from her ocean-front restaurant and accommodations. One of these, i'll take her up on that offer for that discounted room inside the restaurant. But for now, here in San Diego, i'll just remember her easy going friendliness and that Sophie of hers!
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