The grass withers, the flower fades, because the breath of the LORD blows upon it; surely the people are grass. The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our GOD stands forever. (Isaiah 40:7-8)

Ratu Isoa's mom (Difilo), Maria and Isoa's niece (Bethany)... making decorative garlands for his grave.

Sili and Sera... in charge of the
gunu ti sandwiches.

toni-toni ladies (elder women waiting for Ratu Isoa's body from the hospital mortuary)...

Vika, Ana, Ana (#2), and one of the Naselesele Village Primary School teachers...

Biu lending a helping hand with the massive cooking...

The three musketeers -- Kani, ? and Jo -- grating (or trying!) coconut for
vakalolo waci.
vuaka slaughtered, being readied for
toni-toni women having their
gunu ti break...

Ana and Yaita -- squeezing the milk from the just grated
Wati, Biu and Serenia with the chicken, preparing it for curry...

Una, peeling a gazillion
moli for
kokoda (raw fish...

guni ti, the women relax... waiting for Ratu Isoa...

The prayer altar... CHRIST JESUS worshiped as the Son of GOD.

Funeral service...

Mass finished...

On the way to the village cemetery...

Una and Luisa, with their flowers to decorate Ratu Isoa's grave...

Six feet down... ready to go...

Feremo covering the grave with traditional

Final touches, almost done...
Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths, and my age is as nothing before You; certainly every man at his best state is but vapor. (Psalm 39:5)

Family members...

Final resting place... ?

There is no in-between waiting place... those
In CHRIST are immediately brought to His bosom after crossing over to the other side... the other side that is Heaven. And this hope of going to the other side that is Heaven is the most important
matter of life and death. (
For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of GOD is eternal life in CHRIST JESUS our LORD. Romans 6:23)

Naselesele Village cemetery... very green... veryclose.

TJ, from New York (posing with Bua and Ana), just visiting on the day of the funeral... experiencing the real Fiji.

Time to feast!
Lovo dalo, v
akalolo fish and waci, chili beef, adobo pork, curry chicken, chop suey beef... Celebrating Ratu Isoa's passing with much food and good company...
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