Market place at my hometown -- Castillejos, Zambales

Tricycles: personalized transport -- Castillejos, Zambales

School-yard snack shop -- Baguio

Quick-dry, sunshine fresh -- and free!

Market-place cat napper -- Zambales

Fancy-mancy burial grounds -- Olongapo

Fast food stand -- Zambales

Washing machine woman -- Castillejos, Zambales

Catholic souvenirs

Impromptu clothes line

Mobile ice cream shop -- Olongapo

Hardware shop for everything but the kitchen sink!
But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which GOD has prepared for those who love Him." (I Corinthians 2:9)
Were it not for GOD's gracious orchestration, i would still be in this Third-World world.
I am proud of my Filipino rootsand am happy to read and see pictures of my culture...love u mom!
ReplyDeletedolphinsmile :D GREATTTTT nametag, girlie! Me, too... i'm glad to be the person that GOD made me, including my island roots. But now, i leave all the labels behind and just boldly claim my CHRISTian roots. i hope it's plainly written all over me and not just on my forehead. Thanks for taking the time for this comment.