Homeless abode...Munich, Germany. 

Man at work...Cuzco, Peru.

Those of us in the US of A are part of the privileged minority. No matter if we earn minimum wage, live in a rented room, ride a bus or the trolley to work, or bring a sack lunch to save money instead of going out to a restaurant with the rest of the gang...
Raul and Ruben, street children -- "my orphans" -- Cuzco, Peru.

Peruvian mother with her twins...sewing to support her sons.

But the poor will always be around, JESUS Himself said...So what then is more important? What is even of a higher priority?
Mother with four children, selling hand-puppets to tourists...Peru.

But how can one know GOD, for He is beyond human comprehension, way beyond the grasp of the finite mind, no matter how high the IQ. How can the finite know the infinite? It's like asking the man born blind -- do you know light?
Outhouse of my childhood home...Philippines.

Naselesele Village kids...Taveuni, Fiji.

Little girl in Western garb...Peru.
JESUS gives to anyone who believes in Him the gracious privilege of knowing GOD, the Father of all, Creator and Sustainer of all. And because as born-again CHRISTians (whether of this or that denomination -- Methodist, Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Assembly of GOD, Pentecostal...), we can never ever give enough or do enough to thank GOD for His gift of grace, salvation through CHRIST -- so the most important work is to share the Word of Truth -- JESUS. For In CHRIST, is GOD Himself, by the indwelling Holy SPIRIT. Whoever has CHRIST abiding in him/her, also has the Almighty Father of all Creation, by His Holy SPIRIT.
So the poor will be with us always...it is the love of CHRIST working through us which will cause us to reach out to them and help them in material ways if need be. But even in more dire straits than the poor of the poorest third-world country are the lost souls who don't know GOD. Whether they be millionaires or blue-collar workers, without CHRIST, they are destitute indeed.

So the poor will be with us always...it is the love of CHRIST working through us which will cause us to reach out to them and help them in material ways if need be. But even in more dire straits than the poor of the poorest third-world country are the lost souls who don't know GOD. Whether they be millionaires or blue-collar workers, without CHRIST, they are destitute indeed.
My Cuzco orphans...dessert and goodbyes.They may have all the material comforts at their disposal, or they may be in debt up to their ears, or merely eking out a living, or even begging for a hand out -- without peace with GOD, their Creator, they are living in poverty -- living with unquenchable thirst, gnawing hunger, living in a famine that only GOD Himself can satisfy.
Hired Launderess...Philippines.

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