There's much more to say about the many pieces put together to create this wonderFUL jigsaw puzzle of merriment and camaraderie -- but the following videos will illustrate much better what i can merely describe with words.
GODventureZ at Lucky Waller Park started when i was witness to a helicopter landing in the middle of the same street i was driving -- big commotion -- Santa Claus was about to fly in... literally from the sky!
Santa Claus From The SKY!
Then i made my way to Lucky Waller Park, in hot pursuit of THE police car that had Santa!
Santa At LUCKY WALLER PARK -- with some members of the Ocean View Church Choir enjoying the fuss.
SNOW In SUNNY South Bay! -- Man-made "bbbrrrRRR!!!"
Ocean View Church JUMPS -- As a way of giving back to the South Bay Community, OVC provided safe and fun entertainment for the very young at heart -- all for free. The children's squeals of delight made merrier the merry in Merry CHRISTmas.
MEET the OCEAN VIEW CHURCH Choir -- whose many hours of dedicated practice produced a collection of GOD-honoring CHRISTmas songs. The many technicians and volunteers from OVC made this free entertainment a true gift from the heart.
Ocean View Church CHOIR -- celebrates CHRISTmas at Lucky Waller Park, with Daniel Semsen expertly wielding the baton.
The OVC KIDZ Choir-- energetic rendition of "Back to the Manger" -- led by a very energetic Christy Semsen and her two just-as-energetic assistants.
OVC CHRISTmas Repertoire -- presents "Tis the Season." The OVC Choir, led by Daniel Semsen, will perform all the songs in their CHRISTmas repertoire on Sunday, 6 pm, at Ocean View Church. The KidZ Choir, led by Christy Semsen, will also perform.
'Tis the season to remember what CHRISTmas is all about -- it's really all about almighty GOD Who is love, made manifest in the Person of CHRIST JESUS. He is the true Reason for the season -- every day.
In this the love of God was manifested toward us, that GOD has sent His only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through Him. In this is love, not that we loved GOD, but that He loved us and sent His Son to be the propitiation for our sins.
Beloved, if GOD so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:9-11)